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sql regexp

sql regexp


Structured Query Language, or SQL, is a programming language used for managing data in relational databases. One of the core features of SQL is the ability to use regular expressions. Regular expressions are patterns that can be matched against text, allowing for complex string manipulation and pattern matching. In SQL, regular expressions are implemented using the "regexp" or "rlike" keyword.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for a regular expression in SQL is to include the "regexp" or "rlike" keyword followed by the pattern to be matched. For example, the following SQL query would find all rows in a table where the "name" column matches the pattern "john" or "jane":

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name REGEXP 'john|jane';


One of the key features of regular expressions in SQL is the use of metacharacters. Metacharacters are special characters that have a special meaning in regular expressions. Some of the most common metacharacters include the following:

  • . - Matches any single character
  • ^ - Matches the beginning of a line
  • $ - Matches the end of a line
  • * - Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character
  • + - Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding character
  • ? - Matches zero or one occurrences of the preceding character

Character Classes

Another useful feature of regular expressions in SQL is the ability to use character classes. A character class is a set of characters that can be matched. For example, the expression [abc] would match any single occurrence of the letters a, b, or c. Other common character classes include the following:

  • [a-z] - Matches any single lowercase letter
  • [A-Z] - Matches any single uppercase letter
  • [0-9] - Matches any single digit
  • [[:alpha:]] - Matches any single alphabetic character
  • [[:digit:]] - Matches any single digit
  • [[:alnum:]] - Matches any single alphanumeric character


Regular expressions can be used in a wide variety of SQL queries. Here are a few examples to illustrate some of the ways regular expressions can be used in SQL:

  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name REGEXP 'john|jane'; - Finds all rows where the "name" column matches the pattern "john" or "jane".
  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE address REGEXP '^123'; - Finds all rows where the "address" column starts with the digits "123".
  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE phone REGEXP '^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$'; - Finds all rows where the "phone" column is in the format xxx-xxx-xxxx (where x is any digit).
  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE email REGEXP '^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$'; - Finds all rows where the "email" column is in the format [email protected] (where x is any digit).


Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and string manipulation in SQL. By using metacharacters and character classes, it is possible to create complex patterns that can match a wide variety of data. Whether you are searching for specific data or performing data validation, regular expressions can help simplify and streamline your SQL queries.