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SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a programming language used to manage data in relational database management systems. One of the most important features of SQL is the ability to perform mathematical operations on data stored in tables. One such operation is multiplication, or the SQL multiplication operator, which is denoted by the * symbol. In this article, we will discuss the SQL multiplication operation and its various applications.

The SQL Multiplication Operator

The SQL multiplication operator is used to multiply values in different columns and is denoted by the * symbol. The multiplication operator is used within the SELECT statement to multiply two or more column values and display the result. For example, consider the following SQL query:

SELECT item, quantity, price, total_price = quantity * priceFROM sales;

In this example, we can see that the total_price column is calculated by multiplying the quantity and price columns. The resulting table would display the item, quantity, price, and total_price columns. This is just one example of how the SQL multiplication operator can be used in queries.

Calculating Aggregate Multiplication

In addition to multiplying columns, the SQL multiplication operator can also be used to calculate aggregate multiplication. This is an important feature when working with large data sets and is often used to calculate things like revenue or profit. For example, consider the following SQL query:

SELECT product, SUM(quantity * price) AS revenueFROM salesGROUP BY product;

In this example, the SUM function is used to calculate the aggregate multiplication of the quantity and price columns for each product. The resulting table would display the product and its corresponding revenue. This is just one example of how the SQL multiplication operator can be used to calculate aggregate multiplication.

Joining Tables Using Multiplication

In addition to multiplying columns and calculating aggregate multiplication, the SQL multiplication operator can also be used to join tables. This is an advanced feature of SQL and requires a solid understanding of relational database management systems. For example, consider the following SQL query:

SELECT *FROM table1JOIN table2ON table1.id * table2.id = 10;

In this example, the SQL multiplication operator is used to join table1 and table2 on a common column. The resulting table would display all columns from table1 and table2 where the product of table1.id and table2.id equals 10. This is just one example of how the SQL multiplication operator can be used to join tables.


In conclusion, the SQL multiplication operator is a powerful tool for managing data in relational database management systems. It can be used to multiply columns, calculate aggregate multiplication, and join tables. By understanding how to use the SQL multiplication operator, you can perform complex queries and generate insightful reports. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced SQL user, the SQL multiplication operator is an essential feature to master.