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sql insert select

sql insert select


SQL is a popular language used in the management of databases. In particular, the "INSERT SELECT" statement is useful when you want to combine data from two or more tables or databases. This statement allows you to insert data from a SELECT statement into a table, which is useful for updating and adding new data.

How to Use INSERT SELECT Statement

To use the INSERT SELECT statement, start by identifying the table that you want to insert the data into. Then, write the SELECT statement that identifies the data that you want to insert. Finally, combine the two statements using the INSERT SELECT statement. The syntax for this statement is as follows:

INSERT INTO [table name] ([column list]) SELECT [column list] FROM [source table name] [condition];

Benefits of Using INSERT SELECT

The INSERT SELECT statement has several benefits. Firstly, it saves time and effort because you can combine both the SELECT and INSERT statements into one. This eliminates the need for multiple statements, and reduces the potential for errors. Secondly, it allows you to easily update data from one table to another. Thirdly, it provides a secure way of inserting data as it prevents data loss due to data inconsistency and corruption.


Example 1: Suppose we have a customer table and an order table. To insert data into the customer_order table, we can use the following:

INSERT INTO customer_order (customer_id, order_id, order_date, total_cost)
SELECT customer.id, order.id, order.order_date, order.total_cost
FROM customer,order
WHERE customer.id = order.customer_id;

Example 2: Suppose we want to update the product table with information from the supplier table:

INSERT INTO product (product_name, price, supplier_id)
SELECT supplier.product_name, supplier.price, supplier.supplier_id
FROM supplier
WHERE supplier.supplier_id IN (SELECT supplier_id FROM product);

Limitations of INSERT SELECT

Despite the benefits, the INSERT SELECT statement has some limitations. Firstly, it can only insert data into one table at a time. Secondly, it requires that the source and destination tables have the same number of columns and compatible data types. Thirdly, if the source table has a large number of rows, the statement may take a long time to execute.


The INSERT SELECT statement is a powerful tool in database management. It provides a fast, easy, and secure way of inserting and updating data. While there are limitations to its use, it is still a valuable asset to any organization looking to manage large amounts of data effectively.
